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Caring for our Communities in 2022 Thumbnail

Caring for our Communities in 2022

Resilience, patience, optimism, and thankfulness are just some of the sentiments that we’ve drawn on throughout 2022. As the financial markets and economic reports created a rollercoaster of thoughts and emotions, we continue to remain steadfast in our optimism and dedication to doing our very best for you, your families and businesses. We appreciate our relationships with you, and for your continued friendship, support, and most of all your trust in us, we say Thank You.

We also value the relationship we have with the communities in which we live and work, and we continue to provide some support and to show our thanks through our Cornwall Cares program.

Our Cornwall Cares program was created years ago to formalize our efforts to support local, national, and international causes. Whether we are providing money, time, or both, we are inspired to aid others in need around us. 

We are proud to have made donations in 2022 to the following worthy causes:

Ian Anderson House is Ontario’s first in-resident cancer hospice; it offers quality end-of-life palliative care by trained medical professionals, without charge, for those who cannot be given the necessary round-the-clock care in their own homes. The facility is designed to create a homey and safe environment where residents, and families of residents receive the care they need. http://ianandersonhouse.com/

Fare Share Food Bank Oakville is a non-profit registered charity that has been run entirely by volunteers since 1987. This year saw another large increase in support requests from the Food Bank. www.oakvillefoodbank.com

CERT Transylvania – Community Emergency Response Team is helping Ukrainian refugees who fled the war in their country and are now living in Romania. This assistance centre in Romania has, and continues to help, hundreds of refugees; the vast majority being women, children and elderly. Donations help purchase food, hygiene products, clothing, cooking utensils, blankets and other necessities distributed to these individuals. https://cert-transilvania.ro/despre-cert/

Sleeping Children Around the World is a 100% charitable global community of volunteers & partners. Sleeping Children has transformed the lives of over 1.5 million children in developing countries by providing bed kits for a good night’s sleep. www.scaw.org  

Thrive Counselling is a comprehensive counselling agency serving the Halton Region. They have helped thousands of people struggling with individual and family issues including family conflict, separation, divorce, depression, abuse or violence, grief, and loss. https://thrivecounselling.org/

Canadian Mental Health Association Halton Region Branch Each year, more than 100,000 Canadians are assisted through the combined efforts of more than 10,000 volunteers and staff. CMHA promotes the mental health of all and supports the resilience and recovery of people experiencing mental illness. https://halton.cmha.ca/

Oakville Parent-Child Centre OPCC’s mission is to support, nurture and empower children and their families as they learn and grow together. This is reflected in the commitment OPCC makes to families, in daily activities and interactions, and in the value placed on early childhood development. https://www.op-cc.ca/

From everyone at Cornwall Wealth Management, we wish you Happy Holidays, and a healthy and prosperous 2023.

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